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The Phaser | June 16, 2015Rand Paul, 9/11 and Bilderberg.
by Katherine Frisk: Those 28 redacted pages on 9/11. Everyone knows the truth. That Osama Bin...
The Phaser | June 16, 2015Terrorism and Color Revolutions to Divide and Conquer
from Global Research: In the last decades, terrorism and so-called “color revolutions” have been used by the Western...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Texas Strikes Gold!
from TruthNeverTold:
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Why Are Journalists Surprised that Israel Kills Children?
by Amena Saleem, Global Research: There was nothing surprising about Israel finding itself not culpable for the killing of four boys on...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Webster Tarpley World Crisis Radio
from World Crisis Radio: Italy’s Top Judge Ferdinando Imposimato Demands Freedom for Rev. Pinkney, No Layoffs by Whirlpool...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015‘Clinton family – corporate capitalism brought to politics’
from RT: Even if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential race and upholds to her promises, there’ll still be...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Enter Jeb and Hil
by James Howard Kunstler: The Floridian clod seeking to don the mantle of Millard Fillmore made an amazing...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Bilderberg 2015: Webster Tarpley Interviews Journalist Charlie Skelton
from Webster Tarpley Radio:
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Top German Banker: Russia and China Will Defeat US Hegemony
Folker Hellmeyer predicts that the economic damage for Germany and the EU will be very significant if they...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015When Graham Met Texas – in Eastern Ukraine.
from Graham Phillips:
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Middle East Update: Syria, Yemen, Iraq.
Mocking ISIS: ‘Freedom is greatest weapon against terrorism’ On to Syria – where ISIS fondness towards social media...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Building a Nuclear Case Against the Saudis
by Gordon Duff, NEO: In recent months, reliable sources within the international NPP (Nuclear Non-Proliferation) community have confirmed...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015EMERGENCY REPORT – 2nd TPP Sneak Attack Coming This Tuesday!
from Storm Clouds Gathering: The push to ram the TPP and TTIP down our throats isn’t over. They...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan-From Bank Run to Gold Rush – Empire Reset
from Ellis Martin, The Daily Coin: When the Governor of Texas decides to put a gold depository in...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015‘Smart Cities’ are the Next Phase in the 21st Century Surveillance Grid
by Steven MacMillan, NEO: The century of ‘big data’ will be the century of unprecedented surveillance. The dream...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Hillary Clinton Backs Fast-Track on Obama’s Trade Deals
by Eric Zeusse, Washington’s Blog: On Sunday, June 14th, Hillary Clinton came out publicly for the first time...
The Phaser | June 15, 20156 Manufactured Problems That Are Behind 6 Major Globalist Agendas
by Bernie Suarez, Activist Post: Problem-reaction-solution, the Hegelian Dialectic is that process the globalist ruling class have chosen...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Is Jerusalem the 4th leg at the table of the Corporate Fascist Empire completing the Vatican-City of London-DC alliance?
by Katherine Frisk: Keep in mind that for over a 1,000 years starting with the crusades, the Vatican...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015TPP Explained (In Comic Book Cartoons)
from EconomixComix, Zero Hedge: Read More @ Zero
The Phaser | June 15, 2015Mockingbird Media: Snowden, Putin, Greece — It’s All The Same Story!
” In short, the propaganda we should be worried about is not Russia’s, it’s our own. And it...