From Anarchy to degeneration- Imposing External Law.Christianity. Extract Two. Part Six: The Path Of The Masters
by Katherine Frisk, The Phaser.com:
[Editor’s note: Dr. Johnson was first and foremost a Christian, and a Baptist Minister. His love of Christ and the story of Jesus shines through his every word. Frustrated that Christianity had become an externally imposed structure on society and that it had lost its original intent of inner integration, but now stood bound by ritual, ceremonies and an overbaring priesthood, he eventually went east where he found what he was seeking. Anarchy of the soul. Integration of the fundamental laws of this universe and the many others beyond our physical vision and even more important, a message that shines through all teachings, that of the nature of the “Supreme Bring”that permeates this universe and all others in the form of the sound/light current. But one can only hear and see with the inner eyes and the inner ears, a talent very much neglected and lost in the west. As Jesus said, “those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.”
Considering that the The Path Of The Masters was published in 1939, it is remarkable that Johnson makes the statement that Jesus was an Essene. This was before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered or even published and made available to the public. Had he not died suddenly whilst his book was being published, he would most certainly have studied them and found some solace in the Essene teachings. Both historically and spiritually, that put a different spin on the New Testament narrative.
The correlations between the Essenes, The Teachers of Righteousness and the story of Jesus and the Christian message are undeniable. This group of Hebrews were also persecuted by the Sanhedrin High Temple Priests in Jerusalem. Their Teachers of Righteousness were also crucified by these Sadducees.
One astonishing example was during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus, (103 BC – 76 BC) the King of Judea who married his brother’s widow, Salome, and was also the High Priest of the Temple. He was a fanatical supporter of the Sudduccess.In this one individual we can already see similar characters playing out the same script in the New Testament texts. Amongst his many crimes, according to Josephus, Jannaeus arrested 800 “rebels” and crucified them in Jerusalem. Whilst he had the throats of the their wives and children cut in front of them as they hung suffering on the cross, Jannaeus ate and frolicked with his concubines. Here we have an historical and well documented precedent for the story of Jesus. This, while The New Testament version, many frustratingly have found to their dismay, has no historical record in Josephus? Coupled with this “enigma,” is The Wisdom of Solomon, specifically chapter 2, which expounds on the Righteousness, yet again setting an Old Testament precedent for the persecution of Jesus in the New.
Notable throughout Johnson’s work is his constant reference to being righteous and equating it with internalization of law and anarchy, as opposed to external laws imposed by the priesthood and rulers of society. I do believe he would have been thrilled with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, had he have lived to see and study them.
What the Essenes and their teachings suggest, is a major split in Israel, which as we have seen in the previous section, broke up into the Kingdom of Judea, the “Jews,” with monarchy, high priest and temple, and the remaining 11 tribes, the Essenes and the Samaritans being the most well-known. They did not regard David as one of the Righteous. They believed in monogamy based on Noah having one wife, and David did not qualify because he had more than one wife, neither did Alexander Jannaeus; they held fast to the original intent of Moses and Joshua, keeping the Convent, as taught in the Torah. “Thou shalt have no Gods before me,” which excludes a monarchy and a high priest.
Another notable Essene and Teacher of Righteousness was Theudas, whose story Josephus again recounts in detail, but still no mention of our Jesus which beggars the following questions:
1. Has the original documentation been destroyed along with any possible accounts from Josephus? History is written by the victors not the crucified.
2. Was the story of Jesus that we now have, complied by amalgamating the lives of various Essenes who taught throughout the region at the time, as well as inserting a Judaic spin on the story, giving them-him, a decent to David and the tribe of Judah? This is a strong possibility given that both Josephus and Paul were Jews and had Roman citizenship. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written in Greek, long after the apparent authors of these Gospels had died, and to date no original eyewitness account written by any of the disciples has been found.
In Josephus’s account, Theudas gathered the people, then re-enacted the story of Joshua, commanding the waters of the Jordan to part in order to re-establish the “New Kingdom,” as Joshua had originally founded it. This would result in Mount Gerizim at Nabulus being acknowledged as the place of worship, not Jerusalem; the dismantling of the monarchy in accordance with 1 Samuel 8; a disregard for the Temple and the Sadducee high priesthood; and the sons of Joseph being Ephraim and Manasseh returned to their inheritance, Jeremiah 31. As firstborn blessed by Israel and the priesthood (the Kohan) respectively. A noticable difference in both the Samaritan priesthood and the Orthodox Christian priesthood compared to Judaism with the concept of King Messiah and Roman Catholicism with the concept of Pope who rules the world, is that there is no hierarchy- a supreme leader. As with the Apostles, they regard themselves as equals, brothers, and any spokesperson for the community might be first, but first amongst equals.
The Essenes believed that the line of decent was passed from Israel to Ephraim, Nun and then in turn to Joshua, or rather Yeshua, which is the original Hebrew, translated into Greek as Jesus. The line of the firstborn, as described in Jeremiah 31. The persecution of the Teachers of Righteousness and Jesus himself, is a persecution of Israel by the tribe of Judah. In the same manner that Judah sold his brother Joseph into slavery and Judas betrayed Jesus.
So why, we might well ask, was Jesus accused of calling himself “The King of the Jews?” I have concluded the following, again rightly or wrongly, time will tell:
As a descendant of Joseph and in turn Joshua, Jesus would never have embraced the concept of monarchy, which we are warned against in 1 Samuel 8.
When Jesus was tempted in the desert with all the Kingdoms of the world, he turned the devil down.
When the people tried to make him a king, he left for the hills.
When Pilate asked him if he was the “King of the Jews,” he quite simply replied, “The words are yours.”
In the New Testament, the accusation against him for calling himself a “King of the Jews” was a miscarriage of justice both on the part of the Jewish Sanhedrin and Rome. Both were complicit. His trial offered no defense and no witness to speak on his behalf. Jesus never once gave himself the title of King, let alone King of the Jews.
The interpolation of a Judaic, monarchical, Davidic ancestry, as given in some New Testament texts, as well as implying that all of Israel were “Jews,”supports not only Zionism today and a Messiah from the tribe of Judah who will rule the world, but the Roman Catholic self-declared decree, that the Pope owns the planet, all bodies on it and all souls. This two-faced Janus has been the hidden hand for well on 2.000 years. Most probably beginning in Jerusalem between the Judaic monarchy, The Sanhedrin and the Roman Empire and continued through Josephus and Paul. Thus supporting Empire under Rome, as well as Zionism, with central control under a single authority which is contrary not only to Israel, Moses and Joshua, but to Christianity as well.
The political implications have huge ramifications, not only in the first century A.D., but also in the 21st Century where we have seen some monarchies remain only to be replaced either by fascist dictatorships or by corporate fascist control over governments and politicians and along with it, in all cases arbitrary forms of justice where rule of law is applied to some but not to others in privileged positions. In the worst case scenario, the law has degenerated from proper representation and defense to biased and fraudulent trial by ordeal. The Judiciary itself has become corrupted from within and from without. Imagine for one moment if instead of Monarchy, Temple and Empire in the last 2,000 years, western Europe had adopted Republics, Federations with the highest authority being a Judiciary comprised of men and women, of the people, by the people and for the people where the law was applicable to all and everyone was entitled to a free and fair trial with witnesses to speak on their behalf? But not only that, also that we taught our children the internalization of both external law (Ten Commandments) and the spiritual law of the inner virtues as taught by the Essenes? A true anarchy. How different western society would be today.
In the Gospel of John we find the antithesis where “Jesus”constantly says, “The Jews say but I tell you,” which implies a Joshua/ Ephraim/ Joseph philosophy as blessed by Israel/Jacob, as opposed to a Judaic form of monarchy over all 12 tribes. The Cathars in the Languedoc in the Middle Ages, who I have mentioned before, had a particular affinity for the Gospel of John. It was also the only Gospel that said: ” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”They too fought most nobly against the forces of Rome in the interests of their own self-determination. The Cathars were the Christian anarchists of the Middle Ages and for a brief window in time, the gates of heaven were open, only to be slammed shut with the coming Inquisition that ran rampage over Europe for the next 1,000 years. The Inquisition is a role model for the CIA Black Sites that plague the world today. ]
Let it be understood at the very beginning of this discussion that there is a very great difference, a fundamental difference, between the Christian religion of history, that is, institutional Christianity, and the precepts and practices of Christ himself.
In the modern Jesus of the Christian church, we find the ideal
of the imaginative Ireneus, not the adept of the Esseness-the
obscure reformer of Galilee. We see him under the disfigured
Plato- Philonean mask, not as the disciples heard him on the
It is one of the saddest aspects of religious history that the original Jesus had to disappear to give place to an ecclesiastical icon. The historic religion of that name was not founded by Jesus Christ. It was formulated and given to the world by St. Paul, an educated Jew. He was schooled in the Hebrew law, also in the neo-Platonism of the Alexandrian school. It was Paul who gave to the world the Christian theology. His central idea was based upon the old Judaic system of sacrifice,and that itself was handed down from time immemorial, a bloody stream that has colored all history. When the new religion was formulated and given out, it was but little more than an allegorical metamorphosis of Judaism. Jesus was now made the sacrificial offering, “the lamb slain for the foundation of the world.” It was his blood that was to take away the sins of the world. Thus the real mission of Jesus, which was to lead his disciples to realize the kingdom of heaven within themselves, was turned into a bloody tragedy. The whole system was made into a complicated mixture of spiritual precepts and material practices, and the lofty ideals of Jesus were dragged down to the material ceremonies of the sacrificial altar. Human blood was mixed with love and spiritual precept. This was a gross insult to the sublime Idealism of the Masters.
One of the strangest systems of theology took shape as the dogmatic religion of historic Christianity. The clean and gracious life, teachings, and deeds of Jesus offered to the world something very different. Almost from the day of his departure, his spiritual mission and teachings began to undergo the usual corruptions and misstatements. The Master was not understood even by his most intimate disciples, and later his very name was seized by a corrupt priesthood to be utilized by them as an instrument of self-aggrandizement-history repeating itself once more.
According to the most authentic sources, Jesus was the son of Mary and Joseph, who was a member of the Essene Brotherhood. The biblical story of ‘the immaculate conception’ may not be taken too seriously. That Jesus had no earthly father, but «was begotten of the Holy Ghost” was doubtless invented to fit in with the theology which was at that time being formulated. Upon this theory the theologian could claim that Jesus was «the only begotten Son of God.” The responsibility of his parentage was assumed by Joseph after some explanations were given to him in a dream. That Jesus was born according to natural law cannot be doubted by anyone who is acquainted with the Eastern wisdom or with the principles of human genesis. Even the greatest of saints come into this world just as other people do.
Jesus himself bore the name of Joseph until he was grown up and received his initiation. He did not assume the name of Jesus until his spiritual mission was declared. It was probably given to him by his later disciples. The title of Christ was generally used for him once he was no longer; living. Nowhere is it recorded as his own statement that he laid claim to any quality or character not possessed by all men. On the contrary, he definitely asserted that the work which he was doing could be done by his disciples. And it must be kept in mind that miracles are not proof that he who does them is something more than a man. It means only a developed man. Later statements making Jesus a demigod by birth bear all the earmarks of interpolations. Jesus was brought up as a carpenter, living with his parents in the humble village of Nazareth, according to the New Testament.
There are two things emphasized by Jesus which are also stressed by all the great Masters. They are:
(1) The vital importance of love, without which there can be neither wisdom nor religion;
(2) The immanence of the kingdom of heaven, which is to be found only within man himself.
This heavenly kingdom was by no means a far-off thing to be realized after death, but a very present reality to be entered upon here and now. As Masters of all countries and ages have taught, so Jesus too insisted that the people should immediately depart from the ways of sin, and look for the kingdom within themselves, not in heaven. But alas! His message was but poorly received and meagerly understood even by his own disciples, much less by the multitudes. They were quite unprepared for such lofty idealism, such refined perceptions. Least of all could they understand the main point in it-that the kingdom of heaven was a present reality to be known and entered upon in this life.
And it has always been so. Even today, among the most enlightened in the world, but few can grasp that sublime idea. They can imagine a heaven to which people may go after death, but, when they are told that they can pierce the dark veil and enter upon that kingdom now while in the body, in full possession of their senses, they hesitate. Most of them set the whole thing down to an overwrought imagination. Yet this very thing was the heart and soul of the message of Jesus, as it has always been a cardinal point in the teachings of the saints.
Here lies, in fact, the great stumbling block of all religions. They simply cannot believe it. They cannot imagine how anyone can possibly enter the kingdom of God while in the body. Only the Masters, differing from all churches and religions, offer a definite method and point to an exact path by which the kingdom may be entered now. With them it is no theory, but a vital experience.
In the time of Jesus, the Jews specially looked for a temporal kingdom, and they prayed for a messiah, a great warrior, who would deliver them from the Roman yoke and make them the rulers of the world. But Jesus spoke of a kingdom inside of themselves, which to most of them was rank nonsense. They were not interested in his fancies, impractical and subversive of all of their fond expectations: How could they be expected to break away the material crusts that bound their minds and look inside for a kingdom which they deemed only a mirage of an impractical dreamer? Jesus told them that the great kingdom was closer than hands or feet. But they turned away their incredulous ears. Jesus taught the Way, the Tao, the heavenly bani, the bhakti marg, the Surat Shabd path, but the people could not grasp it. Even his disciples scarcely comprehended. Jesus insisted on the divine Logos, the Word, which was the prime factor in all creation. But it went over their heads. He taught them as one having authority, and it only ruffled their feelings.
Naturally, his teachings brought Jesus into conflict with the authorities, especially the high priest and the Sanhedrin. His early death was a foregone conclusion. After the merest mockery of a trial, he was condemned to death on the cross, the most ignominious method of execution. The death sentence was approved, under a mild protest, by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. At the last dark hour the great compassionate teacher expired.
What new teachings did Jesus offer to the world? What was his special contribution to spiritual world-enlightenment? Like all the saints, he restated some of the old truths with such clearness and beauty that they went directly to the hearts of his people with the force of new truth. We may assume that he spoke from the conviction of personal experience, because that is the only way that any man can speak with authority. There is no doubt but Jesus had personal contact with the audible life stream. He had doubtless traveled inward upon it. As said before, Jesus laid stress upon two points, viz:
(1) The vital importance of love as the soul of religion,
(2) The immanence of the kingdom of heaven.
In these respects, the message of Jesus was in exact accord with the Eastern wisdom, from which he had derived his inspiration. The dogmatic assertions of his disciples in later years need not concern us here. The following are a few of his most pertinent sayings, rich in moral and spiritual values:
Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.
One of the above sayings-strikes the very keynote of the teachings of the Masters.
Blessed are the pure in heart:. for they shall see God.
The Western world, as a whole has had the remotest idea of the real meaning of this statement. It means that anyone who is pure in heart is able to enter the kingdom of heaven consciously, during this lifetime, and there behold God clothed in light. In deed, blessed are the eyes that behold such a sight! A clean mind and a pure heart are the prime necessities for such an achievement, and so teach all the great Masters of history.
Ye have heard how that it hath been said, Though shalt love thy
neighbor and hate thine enemy, but I say unto you , love your
enemies, bless them that curse you, go good to them that hate
you, and pray for them that spitefully use you and persecute you.
For whosoever shall do the will of my Father, which is in heaven is perfect.
Verily, I say unto you, Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
This is another precept of the Master. No one is able to penetrate the veil until he rids himself of all vanity of the big “I”and becomes as humble ans self-forgetful as a little child. Again a similar expression:
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child,
the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
How often do the Masters emphasize the sweet humility which makes a strong man.like a little child! Humility is one of the first essentials of citizenship in the kingdom of light.
Then Peter came to him and said: “Lord, how oft shall my
brother sin against me, and forgive him, till seven times?”
Jesus saith unto him: “say not unto thee until seven times, but
until seventy times seven.”
“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus
said unto him: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the
first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it:
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments
hang all the law and the prophets.”
In this one statement of Jesus we have the summing up of his entire teaching. In all philosophy and religion there is nothing of any importance except love. If every book in. the world were ..destroyed, every code of ethics, every sacred scripture printed line on earth–except this one quotation from the lips of the humble and loving Galilean, the world would still have all it needs as an ethical code. Its only other need would be a living Master to lead it into the inner kingdoms. There is nothing in the world that anybody needs, except love and a little food; clothing and shelter.
This is my commandment, that ye love one another.
As if to impress this great law upon his disciples, he embodies it in one direct command. Here is the solution of all social problems-Iove for God and man. He who can measure up to this standard will be the ideal citizen of the ideal commonwealth in any age of the world.
Then Jesus gave to his disciples the supreme test of disciples. As if he knew that many would not live up to the great law, he gave them a definite criterion, a perfect measure, an infallible mark of discipleship, which should hold good in any day and age of the world, and in this regard it may well be accepted that Jesus speaks for all true Masters:
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have
love for one another.
This is the standard so urgently emphasized by all great Masters. It is almost unthinkable, incredible, that a man so filled with loving-kindness, and preaching and living a gospel of love; should himself be cruelly murdered by a blind mob of his own people. We believe there is nothing in the world so hellish as religious bigotry and blind fanaticism.
Now ye are clean through the word which have spoken unto
Here indeed is a puzzle to most thinkers. How can a word or a teaching make anyone clean? A more correct ‘understanding of that sentence might be:
Now ye are clean through the Word of which I have spoken to you.
What is that Word? It is the supreme cleansing agent of this and all worlds. It is the all-purifying audible life stream, mentioned in the first chapter of St. John as the prime Word out of which everything has emanated. That is what purifies the mind and nothing else known can purify it. This is taught by all the Masters. And all history is full of failures, for men have tried to purify the mind and gain spirituality without knowledge of this current. When the disciple of any Master enters upon that stream consciously, he is cleansed of every earthly impurity and made fit for higher worlds.
Further research by Katherine Frisk:
Purim: Esther As Concubine And The Acolyte Of Ishtar
Jesus: Is This An Honest Account Of Jesus Or Are We Being Fooled Again?
Anarchists and The Golden Age- Extract One: The Path of The Masters
From Anarchy to degeneration- Imposing External Law.Islam. Extract Two. Part Seven: The Path Of The