All posts tagged "Ukraine"
The Phaser | August 31, 2015
The Petrodollar Unwinding Will Decimate The Economy
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 754a
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
US Military Assets Being Prepositioned Around World For War
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 750b
The Phaser | August 21, 2015
U.S. Pusing War, As Russia PREPARES For War
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 746b
The Phaser | August 21, 2015
War In Ukraine, World On Brink & September Surprise
from TruthTube451 (AKA MrGlasgowTruther): VIDEO: It’s coming. Wake up. Prepare.
The Phaser | August 19, 2015
Pentagon’s New ‘Law of War’ Manual JUSTIFIES War Crimes & Censorship
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 745b
The Phaser | August 19, 2015
“The United States is going to be VAPORIZED, that’s what I’m afraid of”
from Greg Hunter: VIDEO: This one is worth your time, but NOT because Greg Hunter is a good interviewer,...
The Phaser | August 12, 2015
Ukraine Pushes To Re-Start War In South Eastern Region
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 739b
The Phaser | August 7, 2015
False Flag Stopped: 4 Men Caught Smuggling URANIUM In Ukraine
from X22 Report: Episode 736b
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
GLADIO B UPDATE: Kyrgyzstan Cancels US Cooperation Treaty
from corbettreport: VIDEO: SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: James welcomes back to the program Christoph Germann of...
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
The Human Race is in Danger of Extinction
from LaRouchePAC: The Human Race is in Danger of Extinction: Are you human? If you recognize that human...