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The Phaser | May 29, 2015WW3 Middle East Update.
Saudi jets target girls’ school in Yemen’s Sa’ada province Civilian casualties are on the rise in Yemen as...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015Exposing the Dark Agenda Behind the “Resource-Based Economy”
from The Corbett Report: 24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to “Technocracy Rising” author...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015AngloZionists 1 : World 0 – final score?
from The Saker: This is too ridiculous, too obscene and too obviously grotesque, to be true. But yet...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015Obama Plays US Foreign Policy Roulette
by Jim Dean, NEO: I don’t often get shocked in this business anymore but Obama’s first Arab publication...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015The Clinton Foundation Paid Sidney Blumenthal $10K/Month As He Gave Horrible Libya Advice To State Dept
by Mike Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg, via Zero Hedge: Mr. Gowdy’s chief interest, according to people briefed on the...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015An American Indian Prophecy Coming True
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Post: Dane Wigington of answered some definitive questions in the hour-long conference...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015What is the Mainstream Media NOT Reporting?
from Global Research: In George Orwell’s oft-quoted and insightful book 1984, we clearly see how this work of...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015‘Don Corleone Blatter not going anywhere’ – Pepe Escobar and Harry Fear
from RT: US authorities have charged nine FIFA officials and five sports media executives. They’re accused of taking...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015U.S. Pressures Nobel Committee to Declare Ukraine’s President a Peace Prize Nominee
[ Editor’s Note: We have taken the liberty of adding videos in-between this article. We believe that the...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015Jim Willie: Exported QE Travesty: Meet the BLICS
The aggravated global financial situation is working toward a series of powerful climax events. It cannot be saved....
The Phaser | May 29, 2015If it was not so tragic you could laugh! Insane-McCain urges Obama to take military action against FIFA
[Editor’s note: I had NO IDEA that the USA hated Football so much, and Russia and Palestine. USA...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015Follow the GMO Money Trail
from Global Research: As the saying goes “Follow the money” and you will likely find the root of...
The Phaser | May 29, 2015Ahead Of Israel Soccer Expulsion Vote, U.S. Orders Swiss Police Raid On FIFA
[Editor’s note: I could not have written the script or directed the news footage better myself! See above!...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Gold Manipulation 101
Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics, Silver Doctors: The Comex bullion banks have a problem going into first notice...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Nuclear War has Begun in Yemen
by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith, Nuclear Physicist and former IAEA inspector, Veterans Today: Even the cheap...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Financial Insanity Grips The World
from Dr. Sircus: Rare is the person who is a realist. We collectively live in a world of...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015China’s New Roads to Russia
by F. William Engdahl, NEO: I know of no comparable global Great Project to equal what is now...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Of Course Jeb Bush Would Have Invaded Iraq! He Signed On To PNAC Six Years Before!
by Brandon Turbeville , Activist Post: When Jeb Bush (Jon Ellis Bush – J.E.B.) announced that, like his...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Putin points to US over-reach on FIFAgate, cites Assange & Snowden
[ Editor’s note: Again we ask, after all this time when the whole world knew FIFA was corrupt...
The Phaser | May 28, 2015Gold Capped As Soros Warns On “Threshold Of A Third World War”
by Mark O’Byrne...