The Phaser | February 26, 2015
Big Barbie is Watching: WiFi Connected Doll Talks To Children & Records Them
by Mike Krieger, via Washington’s Blog.com: Earlier this month, I highlighted the fact that the latest Samsung Smart TV...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
Twitter Calling For Strong Net Neutrality Measures From FCC
from 21st Century Wire.com: Surprisingly, one of the main digital cartel members, Twitter, has weighed-in strongly – and...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
We “Will Remove From Govt’s The Ability To Interfere With [Our] Rights”
by Nick Gillespie, via Reason: Via Mark Sletten comes this thread from yesterday’s Ask Me Anything session at...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu Racing Off A Cliff Built On His Own LIES
The leak of a top-secret document showing Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings about Iran producing a nuclear bomb that contrasted...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
U.S. Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down
from X22 Report: Episode 601
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
Calling Out The US Army as Liars is a Gross Understatement!
all the top US Army generals were committing crimes against humanity in Vietnam wiping out village after village...
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
STASI AMERIKA: Chicago Police Detain Americans in Interrogation ‘Black Sites’
from Sputnik: According to an investigation by the Guardian, Chicago police maintain a heretofore secret interrogation chamber in...
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
Censored: War College says Army Filled with Liars and Cheats
Obama only fired two hundred generals? There are 5000 more that need more than firing.. “Untruthfulness is surprisingly...
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
Stephen Hawking and Nuremberg Tribunal vs… the American Sniper Movie
by Robert Barsocchini, via Washington’s Blog.com: The American Sniper movie, which Professor of International Affairs Sophia A. McClennan...
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
Another U.S. Vet Pleads: “Please Don’t Thank Me for My Service”
by Michael Krieger, via Liberty Blitzkrieg: It wasn’t true. There was a problem. I could see it from the way he...