The Phaser | June 11, 2015
Gerald Celente: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In Saudi Arabia
from The Alex Jones Channel: Trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente joins the show...
The Phaser | June 11, 2015
South African Lawyers want Egypt’s President Sisi Arrested. Where were they when Coptic Christians were being persecuted?
by Katherine Frisk: I have yet to hear of a single religious court conviction for Crimes Against Humanity...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Researchers Unveil Technology Allowing a Plane to “Heal Itself” in Mid-Flight
by Cassius Methyl, Activist Post: In the United Kingdom, scientists are developing technology to equip machines with the...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Going Underground: G7 Truth, News of the Screws & Cameron versus ISIS
from Going Underground: Afshin Rattansi goes underground with the former news editor at the News of the World...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Is Israel Beyond Saving – or Worth it?
by Jim Dean, NEO: “Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Benjamin Fulford – June 8, 2015: G7 helpless in the face of mathematically certain bankruptcy
from Benjamin Fulford: The leaders of the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations or G7 are holding an emergency...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Real Solutions Arise Out of the Greek Crisis
by James Corbett, The Corbett Report: Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. This is an old adage that...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
America, 4% of the World Population: A “World View” from the Other 96%
Book Review: “Exposing Lies of Empire” by Andre Vltchek by David Swanson, Global Research: Exposing Lies of Empire...
The Phaser | June 9, 2015
If your BS detector isn’t shrieking, it’s broken. The entire American political system is a con, a sleazy mix of legalized bribes, auctioning off of favors, revolving doors between government agencies and the corporations…
by Charles Hugh-Smith, Investment Watch: Wishing it was true doesn’t make it true–it makes you a chump who...
The Phaser | June 9, 2015
BRICS Summit: Quintet faces growing challenges
by K.C. Singh, The BRICS Post: The 7th BRICS Summit will be held in Ufa, Russia on...