All posts tagged "Zionism"
The Phaser | July 9, 2015
Hillary Clinton LOVES Monsanto GMO, But Won’t Eat it
from Rense, via TheRapeOfJustice: Jim Marrs on Hillary, Monsanto, and White House Chef Walter Scheib. Also, National Security...
The Phaser | July 2, 2015
from SGT Our friend Harley Schlanger, Historian and national spokesman for LaRouchePAC is back with us to...
The Phaser | June 30, 2015
Jewish Tyranny At The U.S. Supreme Court?
from Brother Nathanael: Less than 2% of the population, but 50% of the Supreme Court. Fact.
The Phaser | June 30, 2015
Some Greeks Blame Rothschild-led Zionist Conspiracy For Crisis
by Mike Bird, Business Insider: ATHENS, GREECE — I landed in Greece late yesterday evening and went out...
The Phaser | June 19, 2015
The Elite Hidden Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner’s Transformation
Jenner’s transformation was not intimate nor personal. It was a grand, ceremonial, ritualistic event that symbolizes a change...
The Phaser | June 10, 2015
Is Israel Beyond Saving – or Worth it?
by Jim Dean, NEO: “Israeli spies have done more harm and have damaged the United States more than...
The Phaser | May 18, 2015
Israel, the Jews and Zionism.
by Katherine Frisk: In a recent article, “Judaism is not Zionism” Ariadna Theokopoulos expounds on how “Progressive Jews”...
The Phaser | April 13, 2015
Jesus: Is this an honest account of Jesus or are we being fooled again?
by Katherine Frisk, The According to a newly found document we now have a contemporary eyewitness account...
The Phaser | March 1, 2015
Who and what is the real Bibi Netanyahu?
“The trouble with us Israelis is that we have become the victims of our own propaganda.” by Alan...
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
U.S. Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down
from X22 Report: Episode 601