All posts tagged "Zionism"
The Phaser | February 26, 2015
U.S. Now In The Final Stages Of Having Its Society Closed Down
from X22 Report: Episode 601
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
U.S. Gov’t & Central Bankers Prepare For Offensive In Mosul, Iraq
from X22 Report: Episode 597
The Phaser | February 12, 2015
What is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’? What is the TRUTH?
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research: Obama is on a hot war footing. Western civilization is allegedly “threatened...
The Phaser | February 11, 2015
Putin Threatens to Release 9/11 FALSE FLAG EVIDENCE
from EliteNWOAgenda: PUTIN TO SHOW 9/11 FALSE FLAG EVIDENCE – Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11...
The Phaser | February 5, 2015
MUST WATCH: “The Globalization of War” — Michel Chossudovsky
from Global Research TV: Michel Chossudovsky joins us to talk about his new book, “The Globalization of War.”...