All posts by The Phaser
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
The Democratic Party Would Triangulate Its Own Mother
by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Barack Obama made headlines this week by taking on Sen. Elizabeth Warren in...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Another Dead Banker – Morgan Stanley Trader Shows Up Dead
from The Daily by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics Toronto police identified a body found in the water...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
ISIL terrorists execute dozens of civilians near Syria’s ancient city
Press TV : ISIL terrorists have executed at least 23 civilians near the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra....
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
China saves up 30,000 tons of gold to topple US dollar from global reign
from Pravada, via The Daily China is waiting for the right moment to remove the US dollar...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Seymour Hersh: Controlled opposition. Osama Bin Laden, 9/11 and a pack of lies!
by Katherine Frisk: It would appear that Seymour Hersh in spite of his “credibility”and track record, has willingly...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Recent Ohio Nuclear Plant Shutdown Is Tip of Much Bigger ‘Radioactive Iceberg’
by Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Earlier this week in Oak Harbor, Ohio, the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death: The Boston Bombing and the Tsarnaev Trial – Lies, Anomalies and Inconsistencies
by Julie Lévesque, Global Today, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sentenced to death on some counts, including “the...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Another Washington’s Lie Debunked?
by Vladimir Odintsov, In London Review of Books the well-known American journalist, Pulitzer Prize Laureate Seymour Hersh, world-renowned for...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Opinion: The secret corporate takeover hidden in the TPP
Corporations would be able to overturn laws and regulations that protect us from Market NEW YORK (Project...
The Phaser | May 16, 2015
Is Fukushima the Wormwood of Biblical Fame?
by Jay Johnson, Radiation began pouring into the Pacific Ocean mutating and killing wildlife on March 11,...