WikiLeaks Drops Secret Video of Assange ‘Grab Team’, Asks Help to Decipher Mission Notes

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from Chris Ken:

WikiLeaks Drops Secret Video of Assange ‘Grab Team’, Asks Help to Decipher Mission Notes


Wikileaks released Infra-red footage of an alleged covert @JulianAssange “grab team” stake out operation on their twitter page yesterday. The video shared by Wikileaks shows three individuals reading mission briefing notes.The briefing notes are waved across the camera several times, and have been partly deciphered as follows:

“TITLE: In the event of loss of Camera Coverage

1st LINE: xxxx xxxx single or multiple cameras failure, multiple feed failure and xx xxxx

2nd LINE: xxxxxx xxxxxx engineers are on call 24/7. xx(In) xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx(can) xx(be) xxxxxxx by GSZ

3rd LINE: xxxx xxxxxxx.

4th LINE: xxxx xxxxxx xxx(the) surrounding circumstances and information(?) and relay the details to MET,

5th LINE: XXX, XXX, XXX. Of paramount importance is whether recording of xxxxxx from the

6th LINE: xxxx xxxxxxx. If images of OP Kudo are being xxxxxx, it(?) is(?) recognized(?) to(?)

7th LINE: xxxxxxxx will be necessary.”
