Spiritual Warfare

Why is the BA’Al Temple Arch in London Now “BLOOD RED”?

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from R$E:


According to Breaking Israel News,  the arrival in London of a full-size replica of an arch which stood on the site of the recently-destroyed Temple of Ba’al coincides with an ancient pagan festival that connects the modern replicas with their ancient roots: serving false idols.

The 28-meter tall 3-D printed model, created by the Institute for Digital Archeology, represents a famous arch of the original Temple of Palmyra in Syria, which drew 150,000 visitors a year until it was destroyed by ISIS in September. The first replica arch will be on display in London’s Trafalgar Square later this month during UNESCO World Heritage Week, beginning April 18th and ending on the 22nd, as a symbol of protest against religious extremism; another arch will rise in Times Square next autumn.

Is this a Ritual? A deeper look into Palmyra Arch now rebuilt in Trafalgar Square, then to New York and other significant events happening right now.

Check out video from Pastor D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O6nj…
