All posts tagged "WW3"
The Phaser | May 22, 2015
Color Revolution in Macedonia?
from South Front, Global Republic of Macedonia is a landlocked Balkan country of about 2 million, one...
The Phaser | May 21, 2015
Countering the West in the Black Sea and Beyond
by Eric Draitser, A previous article entitled Battlefield: Black Sea examined the development of US and NATO...
The Phaser | May 21, 2015
Areas of Syria’s Palmyra seized by ISIS militants
One-third of Palmyra was captured by the militant group by Jim Dean, Veterans … from Russia Today, ...
The Phaser | May 21, 2015
George Soros, NATO, US Color Revolution Machine Behind Unrest in Macedonia
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist With tensions heating up between the United States and Russia over a number...
The Phaser | May 21, 2015
Freedom Flotilla III Sets Sail Toward Gaza, Carrying Medical Supplies And Solar Panels
from Global by Mint Press Marianne, a trawler owned by Swedish and Norwegian activists, is the first...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
The War in Syria Today
War this week in the provinces by Adam Morrow , Veterans Provinces, SANA- Units of the army...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
Another “colour revolution” funded by: Soros Foundation members among 20,000-strong anti-govt rally in Macedonia
from IN THE NOW: In Macedonia, tens of thousands rallied against the government over the weekend. Police were...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
Evil Games: The Phony War in Iraq and Syria
by Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and Nouri al Maliki (former President of Iraq), Veterans Last...
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
‘GRADs back in E.Ukraine, around 1000 explosions recently’ – OSCE mission
Ukraine: Flares shine light upon the disrupted ceasefire in Donetsk
The Phaser | May 20, 2015
Terrorism is “Made in the USA”. The “Global War on Terrorism” is a Fabrication, A Big Lie
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war...