All posts tagged "Ukraine"
The Phaser | May 8, 2015
Monsanto’s Covert War on European Food Security
by Ulson Gunnar, Working quietly on the back of political turmoil driven by Western special interests (including itself)...
The Phaser | May 6, 2015
Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking Cartel
by Brandon Turbeville , Activist In a tiny corner of Eastern Europe, a fledgling Republic struggling with...
The Phaser | May 5, 2015
Us and them – a study in hatred and love
by Saker, The I am sitting in front of my computer watching the movie “The Burn” by...
The Phaser | May 4, 2015
Operation Fearless Guardian – US troops in east Ukraine training fascists
from Webster Tarpley Radio: Webster Tarpley is an American historian, economist, journalist, lecturer and a critic of U.S. foreign...
The Phaser | May 3, 2015
MH17- was it all about Ebola?
By Katherine Frisk, The On the 17 July 2014, according to eyewitness accounts, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17...
The Phaser | May 2, 2015
The Day After Damascus Falls
Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance has gone on the offensive, ramping up a “regime change” war in Syria and,...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
The May 2nd Odessa Massacre: Why Obama’s Coup-Regime Still Runs Ukraine
by Eric Zuesse, Washington’s The May 2nd Ukrainian massacre of anti-regime pamphleteers last year at the Odessa...
The Phaser | April 30, 2015
Reply to a Reader’s Complaint about Anti-American Pro-Russian
by F. William Engdahl, I recently received a sharp complaint from a reader about an assumed anti-American...
The Phaser | April 28, 2015
If this isn’t fascism and a junta then what is it?
by Nikolai Starikov, The translated by “KA” source: The coup in Ukraine, which the West shamefully...
The Phaser | April 27, 2015
From Cyber To Psycho: How NATO Info Wars Kill In Ukraine
by Andrew Korybko, The It’s common knowledge and public record that the West has intensified its anti-Russian...