All posts tagged "radiation"
The Phaser | June 23, 2015
NIGHTMARE: More Leaks & Record Breaking Strontium 90 at Fukushima Port
from Missing Sky 101: TV: Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never...
The Phaser | June 22, 2015
FUKUSHIMA GENOCIDE: 10 Dead Fin Whales — Pacific Die Off Accelerates
from BeautifulGirlByDana: Hardcore, unreported (by the CIA Mockingbird mainstream media) Fukushima truth.
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
The Horrible Truth About Fukushima — Helen Caldicott, MD
from SGT Author and Pediatrician Helen Caldicott takes time out of her busy schedule to join me...
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
Fukushima Fallout: Possible Tokyo Evacuation?
from Sputnik News: The real picture of the seriousness of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan is being...
The Phaser | June 17, 2015
PACIFIC GENOCIDE: What’s Really Going on at Fukushima?
by Robert Hunziker, CounterPunch: Fukushima’s still radiating, self-perpetuating, immeasurable, and limitless, like a horrible incorrigible Doctor Who monster...
The Phaser | April 29, 2015
Chernobyl forest fires may result in large scale re-release of radiation
from The forest fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone may re-disperse a significant amount of original radiation...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Letter to the Editor: Wireless, Smart meters and Lloyd’s of London
The Phaser would like to thank Tom McCarey for the following information. Please share: Dear Editor: As of 7...
The Phaser | February 27, 2015
TEPCO Admits Delayed Report Of Radiation Leak Into Pacific, For 10 Months
from Zero While faith in Japanese ‘economics’ is starting to falter (borne out by the split in...