All posts tagged "Mossad"
The Phaser | December 9, 2015
The Paris Attacks Are Just The Beginning
from StormCloudsGathering: VIDEO: Sources and transcript:…
The Phaser | December 8, 2015
The Truth Behind the San Bernardino Shootings?
from BPEarthWatch: Ed. Note: Does BPEarthWatch actually buy the official story that these two patsies were the actual shooters?...
The Phaser | December 7, 2015
MARCHING TO ZION: Zionism & 1948 Israel Exposed
from Texe Marrs, via Servis Chill Zone: VIDEO: This one comes from Texe Marrs, a rabid truth teller of...
The Phaser | December 6, 2015
False Flags Kill REAL People
from Josh Peck: VIDEO: With all the shootings and mass killings nowadays, it causes one to wonder if these might...
The Phaser | December 3, 2015
The Government’s 9/11 Story is Impossible – Capt Russ Wittenberg
from StopFundingIsrael: VIDEO: Incredible information from Capt Russ Wittenberg, a former US Air Force Pilot with over 20 years experience...
The Phaser | November 29, 2015
FAKE Terror In Paris: Brought To You By Israeli MOSSAD
from TruthMediaRevolution: VIDEO: Wake up to the REAL culprits.
The Phaser | November 27, 2015
FACT: The True Origins of ISIS
from RT America: VIDEO: In a special report, RT America examines the origins, power and expansion of the terrorist group...
The Phaser | November 27, 2015
from VATICAN-NEW-WORLD-ORDER: VIDEO: DOCUMENTARY about the political nature of ISIS and who is covertly funding and supporting them. NEW WORLD...
The Phaser | November 27, 2015
VICE News’ Eagles of Death Metal FAKE Interview Exposed
from TruthMediaRevolution: VIDEO: Sellouts have completely exposed themselves. Their performance here is absolutely pathetic. Link:
The Phaser | November 27, 2015
Martial Law: France Shuts Down Alternative News
from jsnip4: VIDEO: The NWO is now actively targeting the alternative media. Truth will not be tolerated. ~ The Phaser