All posts tagged "Iraq"
The Phaser | February 24, 2015
Iraqi Army Downs Two British Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL Terrorists
al-Anbar province: numerous flights by US-led coalition planes airdrop weapons and supplies for ISIL in terrorist-held areas. by...
The Phaser | February 24, 2015
Note to the UN Security Council: SOMEONE IS SPIKING YOUR DRINKS!
by Katherine Frisk, The Phaser:We, the people of this planet, are most concerned and have come to the...
The Phaser | February 24, 2015
U.S. Controlled Islamic State Expands Into Middle East To Provoke War
from X22 Report: Episode 600
The Phaser | February 24, 2015
Obama’s Long War of Foreverness
from Mark Fiore: While most people are focused on ISIS (or ISIL, Islamic State or whatever we’re calling...
The Phaser | February 21, 2015
U.S. Gov’t & Central Bankers Prepare For Offensive In Mosul, Iraq
from X22 Report: Episode 597
The Phaser | February 20, 2015
Since 9/11 the U.S. Has Been in More Than 5 Wars… ALL DISASTERS
by Washingtons’ Blog, via Global Research: Why Does America Keep “Losing” Its Wars? Below, we demonstrate that the...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
Obama’s ‘Force Authorization’ Is Blank Check For WORLDWIDE WAR
from Ron Paul, Vision Liberty: The president is requesting Congress to pass an authorization for the use of...
The Phaser | February 17, 2015
Major Middle East Offensive Prepared By U.S. Gov’t & Central Bankers
from X22 Report: Greece and the ECB could not come to an agreement over the debt. Greeks are...
The Phaser | February 5, 2015
MUST WATCH: “The Globalization of War” — Michel Chossudovsky
from Global Research TV: Michel Chossudovsky joins us to talk about his new book, “The Globalization of War.”...
The Phaser | January 23, 2015
SETH ROGAN’S RIGHTEOUS RANT: ‘American Sniper’ Like Nazi Propaganda
by SGT, SGT What has Seth Rogan so upset about American Sniper? Well first of all, did you...