All posts tagged "Gordon Duff"
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
The End of Netanyahu
An epic failure on a Homeric scale…a humiliation he can never recover from by Gordon Duff, via Veterans...
The Phaser | March 4, 2015
Ukraine, Fighting the Spin
by Gordon Duff, via There was no coup or revolution in the Ukraine. It was an invasion...
The Phaser | March 2, 2015
So Busted: Netanyahu’s Nuclear “Monkey Boy” on Iran, David Albright
Netanyahu is a pathological liar. This is his “monkeyboy” by Gordon Duff, via Veterans Netanyahu is coming...
The Phaser | February 28, 2015
Nigeria, Targeted for Destruction, our 2011 Assessment: Were we right?
For Those Who Have Ears to Hear by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor with Harry Erivona, via Veterans ...
The Phaser | February 25, 2015
Censored: War College says Army Filled with Liars and Cheats
Obama only fired two hundred generals? There are 5000 more that need more than firing.. “Untruthfulness is surprisingly...