All posts tagged "GEOENGINEERING"
The Phaser | September 5, 2015
Chinese Navy + Earthquake Swarm @ same location = Aleutian Islands Alaska
from dutchsinse: VIDEO: An earthquake swarm strikes at the same time the Chinese military has ships in the area...
The Phaser | September 5, 2015
The Madmen Profit From This Madness With Weather Derivatives
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: Fortunes will be made by the elite in weather trading Derivatives. As they play with...
The Phaser | August 30, 2015
Former USDA Official Blows The Whistle On Global Geoengineering
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO:… On August 14th, 2015, there was a major event in Northern California that was...
The Phaser | August 29, 2015
REVEALED: Geoengineering, Morgellons & Our Altered Atmosphere
from TruthTube451: VIDEO: Researcher Clifford Carnicom spills the beans on Geoengineering and the genocidal plans of the global elite....
The Phaser | August 26, 2015
GeoEngineering Watch with Dane Wigington 8-26-2015
from UCYTV: VIDEO: “We have converging catasrophes that are converging from around the globe…. Apparently, it’s all so easy to...
The Phaser | August 23, 2015
FUKUSHIMA & DEPOPULATION in the Age of Fission
from VIDEO: My new friend and nuclear activist Lonnie Clark joins me to discuss the March 11,...
The Phaser | August 22, 2015
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News UPDATE
from Dane Wigington: “The house of cards is about to collapse.” VIDEO: Dane Wigington provides the latest updates from...
The Phaser | August 19, 2015
Important GeoEngineering Update — Dane Wigington & Team
from UCYTV: VIDEO: Fast forward to 8:45 to hear a very frustrated Dane Wigington and to avoid the audio technical...
The Phaser | August 18, 2015
Spotted in Sky Over the US: WHY is it Being Kept a SECRET?
from Josh Tolley: VIDEO: Millions have seen it without even knowing. Now, one expert is saying that not only should...
The Phaser | August 15, 2015
HAARP, Weather Warfare & Full Spectrum Dominance — Elana Freeland
from TheLipTV: VIDEO: HAARP weather warfare, chemtrails, and the meaning of full spectrum dominance is explored with author Elana Freeland....