All posts tagged "False Flag"
The Phaser | August 9, 2015
US Congressman Says Assad Guilty BEFORE UN Investigates
from X22Report: VIDEO: Episode 737b
The Phaser | August 8, 2015
US Intelligence CONFIRMS US Support FOR ISIS
from RonPaulLibertyReport: VIDEO: A partially-declassified DIA report brings disturbing details about US support for jihadists in Syria. What...
The Phaser | August 7, 2015
False Flag Stopped: 4 Men Caught Smuggling URANIUM In Ukraine
from X22 Report: Episode 736b
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
Architects & Engineers on the COLLAPSE of WTC-7 on 9/11
from AE911Truth, via David Hooper: VIDEO: Narrated by the courageous, esteemed Ed Asner. The highly-acclaimed video from Ed...
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
The Human Race is in Danger of Extinction
from LaRouchePAC: The Human Race is in Danger of Extinction: Are you human? If you recognize that human...
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
Trump Has DC Scared, Fukushima Radiation Update
from BPEarthWatch: http://www.FukushimaRadiation.Info Donald Trump Has DC Running Scared. Keep Your Eyes Open. Solar,Space and Quake Links http://www.BpearthWatch.Com
The Phaser | August 6, 2015
US Gov’t Prepares To Launch Large-Scale Operation In Syria
from X22Report: Illegal. Unconstitutional. More war, authorized by Obama, bringing us closer to the brink of WW3.
The Phaser | August 5, 2015
FALSE FLAG: British Special Forces “Dressing Up” As ISIS
from corbettreport: VIDEO: SHOW NOTES: The “elite” British SAS special forces are dispatching over 120 troops to...
The Phaser | August 5, 2015
from Ground Zero Media: DNA has become one of the most powerful forensic tools in crime-fighting history. Its...
The Phaser | August 5, 2015
from FaceLikeTheSun: (Woman Screams at James Holmes Sentencing) After the clip of a woman who claims to be...