All posts tagged "False Flag Terror"
The Phaser | February 28, 2016
9/11, Paris Attacks & False Flag Wake Up Calls
from Project: Liberty Defined: VIDEO: “Real Politik” with Dr. James Tracy & Scott Creighton Political analyst Scott Creighton of...
The Phaser | February 28, 2016
Why Israel Gets Away With Murder
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Why Israel Gets Away With Murder
The Phaser | February 14, 2016
We Are Witnessing The Calm Before The Storm — Stephen Lendman
from X22Report Spotlight: VIDEO: Today’s Guest: Stephen Lendman
The Phaser | February 14, 2016
Michael Tsarion: Paris Islam Zionism and the Red Papacy
from Rha S ananda: VIDEO: Michael Tsarion Paris Islam Zionism and the Red Papacy (2015) PART 1 In this Episode...
The Phaser | February 14, 2016
Want TRUTH? Put On Your Big Boy Pants And LISTEN!
from Dane Wigington: VIDEO: The “official stories” we are handed are almost always bunk: JFK, 9/11, 7/7 bombings, the...
The Phaser | February 13, 2016
Russian Major General Igor Konashenkov on U.S. FALSE FLAG ATTACKS in Aleppo, Syria
from Russia Insider: VIDEO: Full statement of Russian Major General Igor Konashenkov on U.S. false-flag attacks in Aleppo, Syria
The Phaser | January 28, 2016
X-FILES: Inoculating The Masses From The Truth?
from The Kev Baker Show: VIDEO: TOPICS INCLUDE… “Inoculation Intelligence” Analysis of the new X-Files series. Conspiracy theories & government...
The Phaser | January 23, 2016
Grimm’s Fairy Tale: The Legend of Vicki Soto
from In this article titled Grimm’s Fairy Tale:The Legend of Vicki Soto we’ll examine a recent hit-piece...
The Phaser | January 18, 2016
2016 State of The Union – Obama’s Legacy of Lies
from The Next News Network: VIDEO: Obama made several statements in his 2016 State of The Union that has many...
The Phaser | January 15, 2016
“We Have Irrefutable Proof That CIA Is Behind Terror Attacks!” – Michael Rivero
from The Richie Allen Show: VIDEO: Most terror attacks are fostered by or carried out by elements of government....