Police State
The Phaser | May 11, 2015
Chelsea Manning & the Military Entertainment Industrial Complex
from Media Roots.org: As the futures of whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange hang in the balance,...
The Phaser | May 7, 2015
How the US Created a Chinese-Style Prison Labor Scheme on American Soil
rom The Daily Sheeple: DS Editor’s Note: Our nation is run by megacorporations who benefit immensely off a...
The Phaser | May 5, 2015
Israeli Police & Ethiopian Jews Clash Over Police Brutality – Jim Dean
Jim Dean was tapped for an interview on Press TV’s Top Five program on the violent clashes in...
The Phaser | May 3, 2015
USA FREEDOM Act: Just Another Word for Lost Liberty
by Ron Paul, Activist Post.com: Apologists for the National Security Agency (NSA) point to the arrest of David...
The Phaser | May 3, 2015
Baltimore Protests: Two Video Prove How the US Media Twists the Facts
by Matt Agorist, Global Research.com: Baltimore, MD — Just minutes after the police state curfew went into effect in...
The Phaser | May 2, 2015
Is the Federal Government Ready for War Against the American People?
“Are We Being Psychologically Conditioned to Accept Martial Law in America? by Joachim Hagopian ,Veterans Today.com: Prior to even...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
It’s Official: Police Were Ordered to Stand Down and Let the Baltimore Riots Rage Out of Control
by Michael Snyder, Global Research.ca: We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
Anderson Cooper Confronted On CIA Media Connections
from WeAreChange: In this video Luke Rudkowski got a chance to talk to Anderson Cooper of CNN about...
The Phaser | May 1, 2015
Who’s Crazy Now? American Psychological Association Supported Torture “At Every Critical Juncture”
Like Nazi and Soviet Psychologists, American Psychologists Aided Abuse from Washington’s Blog.com: While most psychologists are good people,...
The Phaser | April 30, 2015
CIA Torture and Rendition
By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Global Research.ca: The Bureau and The Rendition Project publish first quarterly report...