Police State
The Phaser | June 22, 2015
Jade Helm Decoded — Caravan To Midnight
from John B. Wells: Episode 309 – Jade Helm 2 Decoded: Today we welcome a learned network/software engineer’s analysis...
The Phaser | June 21, 2015
AMERICAN GULAG: US Prison Population Soars to 2.3 MILLION People
from Sputnik News: The US prison population has soared to 2.3 million people costing the government more than...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
Police Killed over 500 People in the US This Year
by Tom Hall and Andre Damon, Global Research: The number of people killed by police so far this...
The Phaser | June 7, 2015
Disturbing INFOGRAPHIC: America’s Prison Pop. Numbers Keep Increasing
by Andrew Pontbriand, Activist Post: We don’t just have the world’s largest prison population per capita, we blow...
The Phaser | June 7, 2015
Government-Granted “Freedom”- Orwellian Language – the Slide toward “Velvet Glove” Fascism Continues
by Pater Tenebrarum, Acting Man: Sometimes we get the feeling the ruling elites are investing the laws they enact...
The Phaser | June 7, 2015
‘The police are now behaving as intelligence agencies’ – Steve Jolly
from RT Question More: Steve Jolly from NO CCTV tells RT he thinks the police are now behaving...
The Phaser | June 6, 2015
Land of the Unfree – Police and Prosecutors Fight Aggressively to Retain Barbaric Right of “Civil Asset Forfeiture”
by Michael Krieger, Liberty Blitzkrieg: Efforts to limit seizures of money, homes and other property from people who...
The Phaser | May 19, 2015
Look Homeward, Hegemon Part 1: Cold War 2.0 Abroad, Cold Civil War Between the U.S. Government and Its People At Home
by American Kulak, The Saker.is: Introduction: We want to start by thanking The Saker for giving us the...
The Phaser | May 18, 2015
Obama and Gitmo, the Nasty Truth
by Gordon Duff, NEO.org: In 2008, Barak Obama as a presidential candidate announced he would close the American...
The Phaser | May 15, 2015
French Surveillance Law Amid Terror of Their Own Creation
by Tony Cartalucci, Activist Post.com: Can a new surveillance law help stop terrorists the government is already tracking and...