The Phaser | June 15, 2015
6 Manufactured Problems That Are Behind 6 Major Globalist Agendas
by Bernie Suarez, Activist Post: Problem-reaction-solution, the Hegelian Dialectic is that process the globalist ruling class have chosen...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
Is Jerusalem the 4th leg at the table of the Corporate Fascist Empire completing the Vatican-City of London-DC alliance?
by Katherine Frisk: Keep in mind that for over a 1,000 years starting with the crusades, the Vatican...
The Phaser | June 15, 2015
Mockingbird Media: Snowden, Putin, Greece — It’s All The Same Story!
” In short, the propaganda we should be worried about is not Russia’s, it’s our own. And it...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
Was the Bilderberg Group Founded By Nazis?
When you want to discover what an organization is really all about, it is important to dig down...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
Bilderberg 2015 Blown Wide Open – Interview With Mark Anderson; American Free Press
from Pete Santilli Show: Special guest Mark Anderson Live from Austria with the most comprehensive Bilderberg update of 2015...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
TROJAN HORSE: The Trans Pacific Partnership Has Already Bought Off Washington
by Shawn Helton, 21st Century Wire: Although the House of Representatives voted down legislation to “fast-track” trade deals through...
The Phaser | June 14, 2015
From Varese, Italy to Benton Harbor, Michigan: The Same Struggle Against Whirlpool
Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, Honorary President of Italy’s Supreme Court, Is First Signatory of Call to Support Italian Metal...
The Phaser | June 13, 2015
TPP: Fast-track Hands the Money Monopoly to Private Banks — Permanently
by Ellen Brown, Washington’s Blog: It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand...
The Phaser | June 12, 2015
Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral: the Globalists have a major problem
by Jon Rappoport, Activist Post: Stay with me on this one. You’ll see what the powers-that-be are really...
The Phaser | June 12, 2015
There’s Bipartisan Hatred Towards TPP … But Corrupt Congress Trying to Pass It, Anyway
from Washington’s Blog: The hatred of the Trans Pacific Partnership is widespread and bipartisan. Here’s the front page...