The Phaser | April 11, 2016
from MSNBC, via wwwMOXNEWScom: VIDEO: The system is RIGGED and everyone knows it. The blatant corruption of the ruling...
The Phaser | April 11, 2016
Weather Weapons, Laser Assisted Chemtrails, Morgellons & The Space Fence
from The Kev Baker Show: VIDEO: Elana Freeland joins the show for the first time and this is a woman...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
Ex-HAARP Engineer Connects CERN, HAARP, Fracking & Space Fence
from The Kev Baker Show: PLANETARY LOCKDOWN: Ex-HAARP Engineer Connects CERN, HAARP, Fracking, Wind Turbines & Space Fence VIDEO:...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
Immortal Corporation Domination – Sophia Smallstorm
from Freeman Fly: VIDEO: Corporations created by snake oil salesmen of the past are now immortal beings with more rights...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
from ROGUE MONEY: VIDEO: Roger Stone sits down with The Guerrilla to go over the Presidential Election of 2016. He...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
The Scary TRUTH About Hardcore Globalist Criminal Hillary Clinton
from The Phaser, WND & SoulJa Of GOD: VIDEO: From CIA drug running in Mena Arkansas under Bill’s watch,...
The Phaser | April 9, 2016
The Progression of Artificial Intelligence — RomanYampolsky
from Jeff Rense: VIDEO: Guest: RomanYampolsky on the Jeff Rense Program.
The Phaser | April 8, 2016
Big Brother Gone Mad? No – He’s Just Pure Evil
from David Icke: VIDEO: Big Brother Gone Mad? No – He’s Just Pure Evil: The David Icke Videocast Trailer
The Phaser | April 7, 2016
Bernie Sanders to the Woodshed
from Ryan Dawson: VIDEO: His domestic plan and spending on corporate welfare is even worse. His idea for health...
The Phaser | April 7, 2016
Guerrilla Update: The Panama Papers Fiasco — Here’s The TRUTH.
from ROGUE MONEY: VIDEO: The Guerrilla breaks down the Panama Papers fiasco. What is it really about and why is...