The Phaser | March 7, 2015
All Buildings in Debaltseve Ukraine Were Destroyed or Damaged by the Occupying Ukrainian Army
by Eric Zuesse, via Washington’s Blog.com: According to the head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in...
The Phaser | March 7, 2015
The CIA is Trying to Plant “Their Man” as the President of Libya
by Vladimir Odintsov, via NEO.org: The security situation in Libya, which is continuing to worsen, forced the White...
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
The End of Netanyahu
An epic failure on a Homeric scale…a humiliation he can never recover from by Gordon Duff, via Veterans...
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
Netanyahu Tries to Whip Congress Into Hysteria Over Iran
by Richard Sudan, via RT.com: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM and a warmonger delivered his speech to the US...
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
Now China Blows Kisses to India
by F. William Engdahl, via NEO.org: No sooner did US President Barack Obama leave New Delhi with many...
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
Back Off Netanyahu: Russia to Produce Nuclear Fuel in Iran
from 21st Century Wire.com: If Netanyahu’s wild ‘Axis of Evil’ style rhetoric is allowed to be translated into...
The Phaser | March 6, 2015
Warren Buffett-Owned Oil Freight Train Derails, Explodes
by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge.com: Back in March 2013 we wrote a post presenting “the new US petroleum...
The Phaser | March 5, 2015
by Dr. Joseph. P. Farrell, via Giza Death Star.com: It is almost a year to the day (Mar...
The Phaser | March 5, 2015
The Abduction of Suleyman Shah
by Dr. Can Erimtan, via RT.com: Turkey, ruled by the Justice and Development Party (or AKP), has over...
The Phaser | March 5, 2015
Boehner’s 2015 Globalist Invitations: First Bibi, Next Pope Francis
Boehner’s 2015 Globalist Invitations: First Bibi, Next Pope Francis To Address US Congress by Katherine Frisk, The Phaser.com:...