The Phaser | February 10, 2015
The Greek Disaster Is Set To Catapult The World Into Global Meltdown
from King World News: Greece has rejected bailouts ahead of the emergency meetings, Alan Greenspan has now predicted...
The Phaser | February 8, 2015
Greece Exposes The Global Economy’s Achilles Heel
Countries that can’t repay their debts — won’t by Chris Martenson, Peak Prosperity: The new Greek political party,...
The Phaser | February 8, 2015
COLLAPSE: Only 44% Of U.S. Adults Are Employed For 30+ Hours Per Week
from Economic Collapse Blog: Jim Clifton, the Chairman and CEO of Gallup, says that the percentage of Americans...
The Phaser | February 6, 2015
DECLINE OF U.S. EMPIRE: Due To Worst Oil Productivity On Earth
from SRS Rocco: The U.S. Empire continues to disintegrate from within due to the worst oil productivity in...
The Phaser | February 5, 2015
It’s Getting Ugly: Oil Is Crashing And So Is Greece
by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse: The price of oil collapsed by more than 8 percent on Wednesday,...
The Phaser | February 4, 2015
Gallup CEO: “America’s 5.6% Unemployment Is One BIG LIE”
from Zero Hedge: “There’s no other way to say this. The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the...
The Phaser | February 3, 2015
Global Economic Alert: Baltic Dry Index Plunges To 29-Year Low
from Zero Hedge: The Baltic Dry Index dropped another 3% today to 590 – its first time below...
The Phaser | February 2, 2015
The Silliest Man on the Planet
from LaRouchePAC: Barack Obama’s recent so-called “State of the Union” address marked him as one of the silliest...
The Phaser | February 2, 2015
BANKRUPT WALL STREET: Join BRICS & Create New Global Credit System
from Over the weekend, one outlet for British Imperial policy after another issued hysterical warnings about the...
The Phaser | February 2, 2015
This Housing Chart Destroys The Arguments Of The Economic Optimists
by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Did you know that the rate of homeownership in the United...