The Greek Disaster Is Set To Catapult The World Into Global Meltdown
from King World News:
Greece has rejected bailouts ahead of the emergency meetings, Alan Greenspan has now predicted the collapse of the euro and the Greek Finance Minister has also warned that the euro will collapse if Greece exits! With that chaotic backdrop, below are 7 terrifying warnings that the Greek disaster is now set to catapult the world into a global meltdown. These 7 crucial warnings all indicate that this crisis now has world heading toward a catastrophic outcome.
Below are the 7 terrifying warnings that the Greek disaster is now set to cataput the world into a global meltdown:
Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the Greek cisis is a game-changer for the entire world.
“Defy Us And We Will Destroy You” — Tsipras stated that the new Greek government does not intend a “catastrophic clash” with its creditors, only an acceptable amelioration of the unreasonable conditions imposed on Greece, in order that Greece can give some satisfaction to its private bank creditors and also avoid social, political and economic instability in Greece.
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