The Phaser | March 26, 2015
Futures Tumble As Yemen War Starts; Oil, Gold Surges
by Tyler Durden, Zero In a somewhat surprising turn of events, this morning’s futures reaction to last...
The Phaser | March 26, 2015
The Eurasian Economic Union and the New Currency to Be
by Vladimir Platov, The recent meeting of the presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan that took place...
The Phaser | March 26, 2015
U.S. Gov’t Loses Control Of Middle East, Ready To Push Authorization For War
from X22 Report: Episode 625
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
Financial Feudalism
by Dmirty Orlov, via Club Orlov blog, Zero Once upon a time—and a fairly long time it was—most...
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
Orwell & Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money – “Legally,” Of Course
by Charles Hugh -Smith via of Two Minds blog, Zero Due process and rule of law have...
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
While the West Conducts War, The East Conducts Business – Jeff Brown
Host of the popular Daily Coin radio show, Rory Hall, interviews Jeff about how China is turning an...
The Phaser | March 25, 2015
Just Another Tale from the Oligarch Recovery – $100 Million Homes Being Built on Spec
by Michael Krieger , Liberty Neoclassical economics and the trickle down policy framework that we have derived...
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
After The Fed Crushed The Middle Class, It Is Targeting The American Family
by Tyler Durden, Zero On a number of occasions this month we’ve drawn attention to the divergent...
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
Stratfor Founder: Russia “can endure things that would break other nations”
by Steven MacMillan, Throughout 2014 and into 2015, Russia has been under relentless assault by the Western...
The Phaser | March 24, 2015
Washington Blinks: Will Seek Partnership With China-Led Development Bank
by Tyler Durden, Zero Don’t look now, but Washington just blinked. As we’ve documented exhaustively over the...