The Phaser | April 1, 2015
Why We Need the Crash & Burn
by Martin Armstrong, via Armstrong Economics, The Daily Comments are now coming in from those in central banks...
The Phaser | March 31, 2015
“Repeal, Don’t Reform The IMF” Ron Paul Rages
by Ron Paul, via The Ron Paul Institute, Zero A responsible financial institution would not extend a...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Australia To Start Taxing Bank Deposits
by Tyler Durden, Zero Up until now, the world’s descent into the NIRPy twilight of fiat currency...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Solutions: The Peer-to-Peer Economy
from thecorbettreport: If the root of our economic problem is the tendency toward centralized, globalist bureaucracies (like the...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Putin’s New Mediterranean Strategy
by F. William Engdahl, While attention has been focused in recent weeks on the role of Russia...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
Dr. Jim Willie – King Dollar dethroned by Emperor Yuan; US abandoned by Allies
from Paul Sandhu: Dr. Jim Willie on fast moving events around the Globe. TOPICS development of Chinese led financial...
The Phaser | March 30, 2015
De-Dollarization Continues As Russia Seeks AIIB Membership
by Tyler Durden, Zero As we noted a week ago, Vladimir Putin’s calls for a Eurasian currency...
The Phaser | March 29, 2015
Greece Prepares To Leave
by Raul Ilargi Meijer, via The Automatic Earth blog, Zero Speculation and expert comments are thrown around...
The Phaser | March 28, 2015
Regulatory Capture, Captured on Video
by Matt Taibbi, Rolling This is courtesy of Yves Smith over at Naked Capitalism, who’s been following...
The Phaser | March 28, 2015
One Man’s Daring Proposal to Restore Greek Sovereignty
from The Wealth Watchman.