Election Fraud

Alex Newman – No Happy Ending for Election Fraud

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from Greg Hunter:

Alex Newman – No Happy Ending for Election Fraud


Journalist Alex Newman says No matter who is crowned the winner of the 2020 Election, Newman predicts much stress and consternation in 2021. Newman points out, “There really is not a happy ending. No matter which course we take here, there is going to be a lot of turbulence. If Donald trump manages to stay in, the Deep State will explode. They will send out their terror mobs. They will try to crash the economy. They will try to destroy the value of the dollar. They will get the fake media to call him a dictator. They will get the United Nations to condemn this undemocratic coup. . . . It will get intense and very serious very quickly. If Biden manages to get in there somehow through fraud, it won’t be smooth sailing either. In fact, the party told us what they are going to do. They are going to try to pack the Senate . . . They are going to legalize tens of millions of illegal immigrants and put them on a path for citizenship. Almost all of them will vote Democrat. They are going to pack the Supreme Court with new Marxist anti-American judges. America will become completely unrecognizable if these people get their way. . . . This is a very dangerous time for America.”