Dollar Ponzi
ALERT! $5.2T Banker Bailout Needs $20T by Q4!!
from RoadtoRoota:
ALERT! $5.2T Banker Bailout Needs $20T by Q4!! (Bix Weir)
I’ve been saying it for 3 years…the Bankers need $20 Trillion in Bailouts to kick the can just a few years further! I expect them to play catch-up from now until the end of the 3rd Quarter. WATCH FOR THE ULTIMATE CRISIS AS AN EXCUSE!!
More from Bix, from earlier today:
ALERT! Physical Silver/Gold End Game for the BANKERS is HERE!!
Imagine Jamie Dimon saying the same thing I’ve been saying for 20 years… “If you don’t hold your physical gold and silver, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PRECIOUS METALS!” Well NOW it’s all playing out as the Banks have figured out their “End Game!”