Agenda 21
“Global Warming makes Mankind the enemy” — Alan Watt
from ThinkFeelExist:
“Global Warming makes Mankind the enemy” — Alan Watt
The Club of Rome is a top think tank, created by former Mussolini fascists and used for decades as an essential planning institution for high oligarchic interests, combining global banking circles, European royal houses, American financiers and Soviet intelligentsia. One of their essential tasks was the planning of economic globalization as a means to create an integrated, corporatized world system. To that end, they essentially designed the modern world trade system, in Reshaping the International Order (1976). They also stated, in The First Global Revolution (1991), that global convergence would require nothing less than a global revolution (economic, psychosocial and political), a decades long, incrementalist process, whereby the world would gradually, and painfully, be transitioned into the new global system. In that book they also stated that people tend to accept unification and drastic measures when they’re faced with a common enemy or threat, «either a real one, or one invented for the purpose». So they set about to find common threats to facilitate the revolutionary process: «In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… the real enemy then, is humanity itself». And, indeed, the doctrine of Global Sustainability, which in itself is a creation of the Club of Rome, was organized around the notion that you save nature by degrading mankind’s condition — by negating economic development and by debasing the standard of living. That’s an essential precondition for a managed, neofeudalist world system.