
PA Democrat Brian Sims Really, Really Doesn’t Like Women (Or Girls)

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from John Ward:

PA Democrat Brian Sims Really, Really Doesn’t Like Women (Or Girls)


Social media exploded late Monday evening with the horrifying discovery of two self-published videos made by Pennsylvania Democrat Brian Sims – both of which involved the bizarre, borderline-violent stalking of teenage and elderly women. Sims apparently makes a hobby of camping out at the local Planned Parenthood, where any women who dare the public sidewalk are immediately subjected to harassment, abuse, and intimidation – you know, from an elected official. The initial leak showed Sims chasing an elderly woman for almost ten minutes while screaming racist and anti-female obscenities – more than enough to jumpstart a backlash – but it was the second video that truly shocked people from all political spectrums. Full grown man and ex-college football player (and Democrat) Sims accosted three underage girls, screamed more racist, anti-female remarks, and offered an actual bounty of one hundred dollars to anyone willing to break the law by doxing them.