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Q anon 8/15/18 Clinton’s Haiti-Brennan SEC Clearance gone

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from SpaceShot76:

Q anon 8/15/18 Clinton’s Haiti-Brennan SEC Clearance gone


Q post remind us of POTUS comments on the Clintons in Haiti, they took advantage of the people of Haiti, and that POTUS removed the traitor Brennans security clearence, he has zero need for it as the only need would be for helping an incoming administration, which he clearly is not, Gloria Vanderbuilt (Anderson coopers mother) and the creepy Symbolism and how it ties into Podesta artwork. Creepy SOBs.

Ronald regan- We must fight video: https://youtu.be/JDVT-8tUfiE

The video that will get Trump elected: https://youtu.be/G2qIXXafxCQ