
How to Beat Cancer Naturally with Jack Kungel

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from Weight Free Wellness:

How to Beat Cancer Naturally with Jack Kungel


Jack Kungel Beat Cancer Naturally 2 Times and is Eager to Share How He Did It! It’s easy to think that chemotherapy and radiation are the only ways to beat cancer. Well, Jack is here to tell you emphatically that there is another way. In his opinion, there is a better way to beat cancer and beat it for good! “It was diet and cannabis. [that healed my body from cancer]” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor Jack Beat Cancer (oh, and diabetes and other dis-eases) with Cannabis Jack has beaten cancer twice and has been cancer-free for over 5 years! In the early 90’s he had a devastating accident and was immediately put on a long list of medications – many for pain management. Not only was he left with a debilitated body from the accident, he suffered life-altering side effects from the medications; particularly vomiting (for 20 years 15-20 times a day) which wore down his teeth, caused breakage of ribs and pain on top of pain. He realized that he was in chemical toxicity from all of the medications. With his first diagnosis of bladder cancer which also affected the prostate, the doctor left him with the option of surgery. Jack took some time to think things over, time that was becoming increasingly more valuable. “I took 28 days from the 3 or 4 months they said I had after being diagnosed with cancer, and began to educate myself.” – Jack Kungel, Cancer Survivor