Seth Rich MURDER, Wikileaks, #PizzaGate, #Clinton Body Count & Russian Hacking

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from Titus Frost:

Seth Rich, Wikileaks, #PizzaGate, Hillary #ClintonBodyCount, Flynns, Russian Hacking, etc.


In this video I wanted to go over the recent revelations regarding the confirmation that Seth Conrad Rich not the “Russians” was responsible for providing Wikileaks with the leaked emails. I wanted to take a big picture look at everything involved and dig into some unknown facts about the Seth Rich case, mainly about how it looks like he was killed at the Hospital.

I also cover the private investigator Rod Wheeler, whom I am trying to get into contact with so we can have him work on the Child Porn evidence found on the protected section of Comet Ping Pong. Anyone saying “I was lying about that” is just spreading ad hominem about me to deflect away from the truth, which is the hard evidence has been found. Now we just need help getting the authorities to do their job. I think personally Newsham was involved and there is a major Newsham connection to the Seth Rich Case, a man named Ed Butowsky.

I think the authorities may prosecute Hillary over the emails, but that is it. The whole PizzaGate thing is being attempted to be covered up which is why they fired Flynn and are attacking him all the time as Flynn’s son was talkign too much truth about Pizzagate. Seems Alefantis has more direct connections to the Rothschild’s and we need to keep exposing him and this whole situation if we ever hope to see any justice. As Rod Wheeler said, it’s up to us the people of America to investigate this stuff and bring the evidence to him, or other law enforcement. So let’s keep investigating and turning in evidence when we find it.

Full Show Notes: (Link Coming)

Seth Rich Further Research Links:
1. V4Vapid Article: https://steemit.com/crime/@v4vapid/se…
2. RebelSkum Article: https://steemit.com/news/@rebelskum/t…
3. Rod Wheeler Interview on Fox: https://youtu.be/CuRJDKEVxHY
4. Clinton Body Count Film: https://youtu.be/UoE73WNoCXo
5. Seth Rich Family Interview: https://youtu.be/LOn09bhDXMo
6. Comet Ping Pong CP Video: https://youtu.be/TnW7OT6Dkuw
7. NY Post Article About Flynn being Fired: https://nypost.com/2017/02/14/flynns-…
8. Information that Alefantis may be connected to the Rothschild’s: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660696
