
#PizzaGate Smoking Gun: “Cheese Pizza” Child Porn on Comet Ping Pong’s Site

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from Titus Frost:

#PizzaGate #PedoGate Smoking Gun Evidence: “Cheese Pizza” Child Porn on Comet’s Site


Smoking Gun evidence of Child Porn aka Cheese Pizza found on Comet’s and Buck’s websites. Protected sections were hacked by an Anonymous hacker.

Back in December I had covered the protected section on Comet Ping Pong’s website. This protected section was found to contain Child Porn which Pedophiles refer to as “Cheese Pizza”. The Anonymous hacker who broke into the protected section saw I had covered the abnormality on their website in my film, so the hacker contacted me and one other person. This is the story of how the smoking gun evidence in the PizzaGate Scandal was found, and delivered to DC Police as of December 5th, 2016. So Where are the arrests?

Full Show Notes on the Steemit Blog: (Link Coming Later)

Video also available on Vid.Me and Bitchute.