CLINTON NEWS NETWORK: Mainstream Media Whores Give Hillary a Pass On EVERYTHING

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from Josh Bernstein:

CLINTON NEWS NETWORK: media whores, editing sluts, & leg humping assassins


Hillary Clinton hasn’t held a Press Conference in 256 days. Not since early October 2015! In Contrast, Donald Trump has held 41 since June 15th 2015 till 8/15/2016. That is a press conference every 6 days! Why has the Clinton campaign refused to talk to the press? Why have they refused to cover the new revelations on The Clinton Foundation? Why haven’t they covered email gate or the #dncleaks? Why have they refused to acknowledge her failing health? The answer is because 90% of the media is Hillary Clinton. They all have either been promised jobs, given favors and access for donations in pay-to-play schemes, or flat out are in bed with the Campaign as in married to or related to many of the Hillary Campaign staffers. In this week’s show I cover and expose all these details.

Also, The media is still sticking with the false narrative that Donald Trump is losing to Hillary Clinton. In this short video I show how this is not true and just the opposite is happening. Donald Trump is Thumping Hillary Clinton.

And finally, Former Senior Military Aide to President Bill Clinton Buzz Patterson joined me. He told me Bill Clinton actually LOST our Nuclear codes!?! And he was so upset not because he lost them but because he was worried the media was going to leak the story!!! Buzz Patterson, was in charge of Bill Clinton’s “nuclear suitcase” and told me that Bill Clinton was so careless with the codes that he actually put them on a piece of paper with a rubber band around it that carried his credit cards!!! And you want this backward ass hillbilly bastard’s evil wife in charge?