At The Shadow Government’s HQ: A Few Notes From The CFR

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from TRUTHstreammedia:

VIDEO: There are many things to be said about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and their patent quest to subvert the sovereignty of the United States and implement a world government.

But few realize that Allen Dulles – famed as the notoriously out-of-control CIA director and JFK assassin conspirator – was not only involved in the attempt at world government since the failed-Paris Peace Talks at the end of WWI, but the first new director of the CFR, a position he took in 1927 and held until 1933, and a secretary of the CFR during the important 1933-1944 years which overlapped FDR’s four term presidency, overlapped WWII and which overlapped Dulles’ own work for the O.S.S. (forerunner to the CIA) as a station chief in Bern Switzerland second only to Wild Bill Donovan himself.

As a master of covert instigation and provocation, Dulles spent his years at the CFR leading up to WWII proposing a particular time of foreign policy, alongside CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine editor Hamilton Fish Armstrong which was not only forced upon the U.S. State Dept. but which prodded Japan into aggressive action… eventually baiting them into Pearl Harbor.

Yes, Allen Dulles is tied to the Pearl Harbor provocation, an attack which was necessary to bring ‘isolationist’ thinkers in the U.S. in the war and which the American leadership knew of well in advance and were scheming for. Damn there are a lot of lies.