
Hell’s Gates To Be Opened: UN Creating Satanic Portals To Open Globally 2016

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from Lyn Leahz:

VIDEO: This is shocking news, almost unbelievable! However, unfortunately, it is very true! America is headed down a dark path and surely, God’s judgement is upon us! Like Billy Graham’s daughter once said, “If God doesn’t judge America soon, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!”…

Nimrod was the first Antichrist and occultists as well as Luciferians believe he will be raised from the dead to rule the world again. We know the Antichrist is alive and living today and will be revealed at the appointed time. We also know that the same ‘spirit’ of Satan will step inside of that man, and he will, for a time, rule the world, claiming to be the Messiah. Watch the video for more information, and I promise, you will be literally stunned! Can there be any doubt that we are living in the end times?

Special thanks to Perry Stone… for the great information I learned in order to make this video!