Silver Squelchers SEVENTEEN & Their Interesting Associates
from SGT Report.com:
[Note: #17 in the incredible Silver Squelchers research series is 161 pages long. It’s essentially an entire book of its own, offered for FREE to SGT Report readers, courtesy of the one and only Charles Savoie. Please PRINT THESE OUT and save them! ~SGT]
Members of The Pilgrims Involved With Russia, China, Arab nations, India & Japan
n the December 1975 American Opinion Magazine, Gary Allen in “Building Communism,” page 39 correctly concluded—“It is now clear that an arcane conspiracy, backed by finance capitalists in the United States, has been behind the Reds since the beginning.” These men were Pilgrims Society members and appear to have been led by the Rothschild affiliated Jacob Schiff, who was a founding member of The Pilgrims in New York in January 1903. Most however were Episcopalians by the way! Also involved was J.P. Morgan Jr. (Pilgrims Society) and Viscount Milner (Pilgrims London) who married into the Cecils, one of the five ruling dynasties of England for the last 500 years, and received largesse from Cecil Rhodes diamond empire (Rothschild financed).
In an upcoming presentation we’ll document with an official foreign embassy URL link that an Arab official spoke to The Pilgrims in New York about $650 BILLION of scheduled investments in his country. P
lease bear in mind that information as to confirmable members remains very limited; around 88% of members in London and New York are currently unidentifiable as to unquestionable documentation. Therefore, the influence this group has in various spheres is far greater than what these profiles suggest! The one exception is that we know that all Ambassadors to and from England are members, plus all British UN Ambassadors. American Ambassadors to the U.N. are chancier and many may end up at the level of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and may not rise higher, with an occasional exception. This detail on U.S. Ambassadors to the U.N. is current as of this writing or till we find the Society has taken all these U.N. Ambassadors into its fold. In other presentations in this series you’ll find other members who could have been included in this edition, but seemed to fit better in other master categories.
Our #1) we’ll commence with is Ronald Freeman, chairman of the executive committee of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain—