
Establishment Corruption, HSBC Advertising & Mainstream Media Capture

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A Response to Owen Jones

by Joel Benjamin, via Max Keiser

England is globally upheld as the home of democracy. In reality, a country ruled in the interests of an unelected head of state (HMRH Queen), an unelected second chamber (House of Lords – filled with parasites like HSBC’s Lord Green), and the City of London, a secret fiefdom of financial firms with its own laws and police force, outside the scope of criminal justice, or Westminster reform.


thieves-operate-in-this-area-bankers-cartoon-chris-maddenWe are reliably informed that ‘Great’ Britain has a “free press.” Yet as highlighted by the resignation of respected Telegraph journalist Peter Oborne due to HSBC collusion in editorial decisions, the truth is anything but the case.

The British Broadcasting Corporation, otherwise known as the BBC is considered one of the nations treasures. A “public interest” broadcaster, funded through our own taxes, the Beeb prides itself on being ‘impartial.’  However as Guardian commentator Owen Jones points out:

“Detailed research by Cardiff University finds that the BBC is biased in favour of corporate and establishment voices. Its political coverage is dominated by former Tory or overtly rightwing figures; the Tories – including David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson – heavily recruit from Auntie Beeb. As anyone on the left who has appeared on the BBC will know, neoliberalism is its commonsense and starting point.

Since 2012, I have been involved in campaigning with Move Your Money UK. A campaign calling for individuals, businesses, and public institutions to withdraw their funds from the corrupt big 4 UK banks who literally run the UK economy – with an 85% oligopoly on bank lending.

Over the past three years, I have made thousands of calls to press journalists, called out City regulators and Local Government finance officers for inaction on bank fraud, even attending Bank AGM’s to ask direct questions of the respective bank boards.

What I have learnt through this process is that by and large *all* of the UK mainstream media outlets no longer do detailed investigative journalism on the City of London.

In my opinion, this is true with the possible exceptions of the FT, specialist broadcast units like BBC panorama, Foreign Broadcasters like Al Jazeera and Russia Today (Keiser Report), and under ground publications like Private Eye.

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