All posts tagged "Zionism"
The Phaser | December 25, 2015
Jewish Extremism Caught on Tape: Stabbing Dead Palestinian Baby Photo at Wedding
from RT: VIDEO: Israeli police are investigating a wedding video in which ultra-Orthodox Jews can be seen brandishing weapons and...
The Phaser | December 24, 2015
Ken O’Keefe’s Mission to End Payment for War
from Ken O’Keefe: www.WORLDCITIZEN.SOLUTIONS – Ken O’Keefe’s Mission to End Payment for War VIDEO: The first phase in a...
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
Myron Fagan Exposed The Illuminati Satanic Plot Years Ago
from xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx: VIDEO: The Satanic plot of one world government was exposed long ago by Myron Fagan. And no...
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
Hillary Slams Trump On Muslim Ban
from Brother Nathanael: VIDEO: Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt people on planet earth. Period. ~ The...
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
Max Igan – The Calling (Full Length Movie)
from Dismantle The Matrix: VIDEO: In March 2009 Max Igan was approached to create a combined and summarized version of...
The Phaser | December 21, 2015
LIVE From Donetsk: War Imminent — Rense & Russell Bentley
from Jeff Rense: VIDEO: Jeff Rense with guest Russell Bentley on the march toward more war….
The Phaser | December 18, 2015
We Want The Truth
from Pat Condell: VIDEO: … and we’ll take it where we find it. US confidence in protection from attack lowest...
The Phaser | December 16, 2015
The Truth IS anti-Semitic
from Snordster w: VIDEO: From the Rebel of Oz, found here:… This one will deffo be dumped and I...
The Phaser | December 15, 2015
Max Igan – Dealing with Kakistocracy & the Flat Earth PSYOP
from Max Igan, via Bob Cylon: noun, kakistocracy. 1. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the...
The Phaser | December 14, 2015
EU Moves to Implement Full Takeover
from BPEarthWatch: VIDEO: The European Union moves to Established a New World Order Army.… http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com