Spiritual Warfare

Killing a person’s ability to understand the Spirit of God — Don Smith

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from Ammon Bundy:

People’s Meeting 11/19/20 Don Smith – Killing a person’s ability to understand the Spirit of God


MUST HEAR:  11:18

Don Smith: It becomes more apparent with each passing day that Covid-19 vaccines are at the very best unsafe, and at the other end of the spectrum they’re completely sinister in nature.

Covid-related vaccines attack the VMAT2 gene in the body. The VMAT2 gene are what Covid-19 vaccines are designed and engineered to attack. Consequently the VMAT2 gene is also known as “the God gene.” 

The VMAT2 gene affects the frontal lobe area of the brain that deals with your emotions and your spiritual connections. These vaccines are mRNA in nature, that is messenger ribonucleic acid. Ribonucleic acid is essential to various biological roles including encoding, decoding, regulation and expression.  These vaccines are designed to change your DNA. 

I want you to listen to this statement by a young man who participated in a clinical trial of a Covid vaccine, and whose mother stated, “Prior to the clinical trial my son was a very active young Christian man.”  This young man made the following statement, “They have killed God. I can’t find God. My soul is dead.”  That’s after participating in a Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial.

People’s Meeting 11/19/2020 Killing a person’s ability to understand the Spirit of God
