
Energy Weapons, C60 Source of Life, Newton & Gravity Redefined

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from Sarah Westall:

Energy Weapons, C60 Source of Life, Newton & Gravity Redefined


Ken “the Scientist” along with Patty Greer joins the program to discuss Greer’s brush in with energy weapons, the amazing benefits of C60, and how C60 is the source of life. Ken is the mind behind C60PurplePower.com which brings us one the highest quality C60 oil available today.

Ken also explains how he formulated new mathematical formulas for gravity that are 3 orders of magnitude more precise than Newton’s. This is enabling governments worldwide to have accurate anti ballistic missile technology.

It also enables space organizations to accurately land and maneuver craft. Lastly, Ken explains his Moxy Fusion Reactor that creates energy at a fraction of the price of oil, nuclear, coal, wind, or solar. He is clearly one of the most brilliant scientists alive and business game changers brings you another episode that educates listeners on the amazing potential of our future.

The Patent link (the number was wrong in the video): http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Pa…