
“Emma” Part 1 – Married to an Elite Child Pornographer

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from Mellisa Honeybee Zaccaria:

“Emma” Part 1 – Married to an Elite Child Pornogragher


Published on Jul 2, 2017

This is Part 1 of a 5 Part Series of my conversation with “Emma”, her name and company she worked for with her husband has been redacted for her and her children’s safety. In this first segment, Emma explains first meeting her husband and then a few years later finding out his dark secret. He was obsessively collecting and creating hardcore porn as well as pornography involving children and animals. His obsession with gaining power by learning about and joining the so-called “Illuminati” after 9/11 was the first signal to Emma that her husband may be up to something sinister, and it goes much much deeper. Emma is currently in an undisclosed location and just yesterday had to flee with her boyfriend to another state, yet again.

In the 4 upcoming segments of this interview, Emma discusses the code words her husband uses on the web that corroborate with the FBI Code Words, along with images and words used in the Pizzagate scandal, Podesta and STRATFOR emails. She shares other code words that most of us may not be familiar with and also other techniques that elite rings use to market child porn covertly on the internet. Stay tuned for Part 2.