
DECODING THE FUTURE For Stocks, Real Estate, Gold & Silver

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from GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney);

DECODING THE FUTURE For Stocks, Real Estate, Gold & Silver – Mike Maloney


Here is the Breakout Session Video Link:… “What if you knew what the markets were going to do before they did it? What if you knew the ultimate destiny of stocks, real estate, and gold and silver?” That’s how Mike Maloney began his presentation at the Gold & Silver Summit in San Francisco last week. His 56-minute talk is now available by video (below) with just-released bonus features. Mike tells the audience upfront that not only do we know what’s coming, but we can profit from it. “We were left with a roadmap that we can turn into a treasure map.” It’s an exciting proclamation, though not everything coming will be pleasant. So what is this roadmap? And how do we turn it into a treasure map? To get those answers, we have to go back to 2002, to a speech made on a frosty night in Washington D.C…
“I Told You What We Were Going To Do—and We Did It”
You’ll recall that Ben Bernanke was the head of the US Federal Reserve in 2002. He made a speech at the National Economist Club, titled “Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Here.” The presentation was posted on the Fed’s website. It is this speech that became Mike’s roadmap—and that’s because virtually everything then-chairman Bernanke said the Fed would do, they did. It’s actually quite remarkable when you compare his statements with the subsequent actions the Fed carried out. Their Roadmap is Our Treasure Map
Because global central bankers continue to print money, drive interest rates lower, run up debt levels, and spend more money than they bring in, we are headed for an even greater crisis than what we experienced in 2008. And because we know the roadmap central bankers are using, we know how to invest. As Mike says, “Gold and silver are the only financial assets that come with a central bank guarantee.”
The guarantee isn’t something printed on a coin or bar; the guarantee is that central banks will never stop creating currency.
The next crisis will force central bankers to repeat all of the steps above. They’ll pull out the roadmap Ben wrote in 2002 and implement the same strategies.And those strategies from central banks will drive gold and silver to gain more in purchasing power than any other asset. This is a brief moment in history where we know exactly how to position our portfolios.
Get more detail from Mike in his bonus features. Mike covers a number of critical topics, including Russia, Bitcoin, WWE (his term for nations attacking each other via electronic means), the long-term outlook for gold, and others. Watch the bonus features from his breakout session now:…