2016 Halloween Special – Clinton 8(a) Pig Farm Servers

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from Abel Danger;

2016 Halloween Special – Clinton 8(a) Pig Farm Servers – Boeing Bridge Of Pimps


1. Abel Danger (AD) claims that Clinton Foundation donors use 8(a) servers for online assassination betting and the trade in child pornography and torture killings as first staged in 1996 at pig farm raves in B.C. allegedly sponsored by so-called ‘Libranos’ in the Canadian government.

2. AD claims that Hillary Clinton or her aide Huma Abedin hired pedophile pimps to entrap and extort the directors of Boeing into mentoring the Federal Bridge Certification Authority, outsourcing C4I developments to Serco, moving the Boeing headquarters office from Washington State to Chicago in 2001 and attempting a bridge-based coup d’etat on 9/11.

3. AD claims that Serco has been providing a murder-for-hire service to Clinton donors by synchronizing Zulu death betting on 8(a) servers with in-flight snuff films which victims watch as they are flown to their deaths and with which loved ones and potential whistle-blowers are silenced by fear.

4. United States Marine Field McConnell – Global Operations Director of Abel Danger – has offered to serve as a five-star general in a Trump administration to help Trump destroy the Clinton bridge of pimps and obtain justice for victims of ‘death by plane’.
