
Fukushima: Believe Your Own Eyes — Official Pictures Of Reactor

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from BeautifulGirlByDana:

VIDEO: See the official pictures and have a good laugh . Super HQ video shows official Reactor 4 picture comparison of Fukushima . Why did media fake reactor 4 interior for 18 months and why did David Suzuki say if reactor 4 goes its bye bye Japan and you have to evacuate The entire continent of North America when Reactor 4 was already gone so when do we begin evacuating north America . Find Dana Durnford TheNuclearProctologist live on http://livestream.com/accounts/16291058 .
Please support these Fukushima videos we need support to have the material and ability to make a difference please donate at paypal https://www.paypal.com/ca/webapps/mpp… by typing in my email danadurnford@hotmail.com or use credit card at my site thenuclearproctologist.org its a big company handling those transaction so its very reliable . http://www.thenuclearproctologist.org/
Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds . http://fukushimahounds.freeforums.net/
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Download 2000 plus pictures http://photo.tepco.co.jp/en/date/2013…

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Nuked Pacific with Lauren? Moret & Rad Chick watch
Excellent ! Chernobyl 3828 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfDa8t…

enenews is a great site http://enenews.com/