All posts tagged "vacinnes"
The Phaser | April 22, 2015
Australia vaccine war update: the people, slaves to the State
by Jon Rappoport, Activist “Bit by bit and piece by piece, freedom is taken away. Eventually, most...
The Phaser | April 21, 2015
Hundreds of Children Brain Damaged by the Swine Flu Vaccine to Receive $90 Million in Financial Compensation from UK Government
by Mike Adams, Global The swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 children across...
The Phaser | April 21, 2015
Mayday, Mayday: Vaccines Will Take Us Down
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist Friday, May 1st, 2015 – the Mayday Marathon An Internet Talk Radio...
The Phaser | April 20, 2015
Parent Offers Epic Response to Vaccine Homework
by Heather Callaghan, Activist By now readers to this site have seen some outrageous indoctrination assignments springing...
The Phaser | April 18, 2015
Get Vaccinated or Lose Your Medicaid Nurse Sues College for Lies
from Experimental Vaccines:
The Phaser | April 18, 2015
Millions of Girls Given Vaccines Secretly Spiked with Sterilization Drugs
by Kimberly Paxton, Activist Although some might call it a conspiracy theory, the World Health Organization, UNICEF,...
The Phaser | April 16, 2015
Shakedown of Unvaccinated Students Begins in Spokane, Washington
by Eric Blair, Activist Spokane public schools in Washington state began to audit the vaccine records of...
The Phaser | April 14, 2015
The U.S. CDC: A Sock Puppet for the Industry and Hopelessly Corrupt
by Catherine J Frompovich, Activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., an attorney-at-law, author, and vaccine investigator, spoke before...
The Phaser | April 14, 2015
‘No Jab, No Pay’ Australia Policy Ends Payouts To Citizens Who Refuse Vaccines
by Brandon Turbeville, Activist In a stunning example of the disregard held toward the rights of individual...
The Phaser | April 12, 2015
The U.S. Congress Is “Out to Lunch” About Vaccine Science—Here’s Proof
by Catherine J. Frompovich, Activist If ever there were a body of numbskulls taking in the “cool...